1311 Vine St, Cincinnati
45202, OH USA
+1 513 399 5037
We partner with utilities and engineers around the globe to deploy un-tethered, free floating sewer inspection solutions.
From large diameter interceptor sewers to difficult-to-enter manholes and access points, our imaging technology is built to be deployed with minimal crew involvement and fits in a backpack.
Tired of passing around thumb drives? View 360 videos and share them across teams and contractors within minutes.
Leveraging AI-assisted technology, our team of certified inspectors can create more consistent results and effective QA processes.
Our customers tell us that our easy-to-use system and cloud-based technology allows them to record over 15,000 linear feet of sewer pipe and over 40 manhole structures each day.
Have various systems and cameras? We’ve got you covered. Our cloud-hosted service allows you to upload videos from various inspection cameras.